Past projects

The Care Foundation works closely with health sector partners to identify and fund projects that are beyond the scope of Government funding, and which will have the greatest impact on healthcare in our region. 

We have funded innovative new equipment and technology, patient care initiatives, community health lectures, and training scholarships for hospital and allied health staff. 

With some of our projects we have partnered with other charities and organisations, including Rotary, Lions, Marlborough Equipment Trust and Mitre 10 Mega.

Here are some of our stories, all of which have been made possible through generous donations.

Jane Grenfell Jane Grenfell

AT&R Unit : Outdoor Furniture & Bedside Lamps

In partnership with Mitre 10 Nelson, The Care Foundation was able to replace the Unit’s old outdoor furniture, which was no longer fit for purpose, with sturdy new tables and chairs.

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Jane Grenfell Jane Grenfell


Feeling that we belong and are socially connected is vital to our health and wellbeing.

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